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L’Ancienne Cave

The home of Vin en Vacances is an old winery that had been abandoned many decades ago until we rescued it in 2017. It was slowly crumbling but still stood proud amidst the decay and over the past few years we have had the pleasure of breathing new life into it.

During the preceding 60 years the roof had fallen in and the ceiling had rotted as had the old barrels and foudre where the wines used to be made and matured. The building stands prominently by the swift and normally shallow waters of the Clamoux river in the pretty village of Villeneuve-Minervois close to Carcassonne. In the days of bulk wine production, it played it’s part in churning out the cheap deep red wines that Languedoc was once famous for. But when we found it nature had taken over. Misshapen fig trees smothered the courtyard and the old press was rusting away in a dark corner.

The stable where the plough horses had munched their hay after a long day in the vines was a forlorn looking place with rotting harness and old cartwheels leaning discarded against the walls. It was a tangle of forgotten jumble but for us it was a coup de foudre, love at first sight. We bought it without venturing upstairs as there was no longer a staircase and besides the floor was too dangerous to set foot on. But looking up through a gaping hole we could see an old carriage minus its wheels dangling on rusty chains from the rafters. It harked back to an era of prosperity. A time when Languedoc fulfilled a role of bulk wines for the masses. The carriage had been winched up when the moat-like river that swirls around the walls broke its banks and the horses and people fled. Perhaps they intended to come back when the waters receded but maybe the aftermath of the flood was too difficult to face or too expensive to fix. And so this place remained empty for six decades until we came along.

We feel privileged to be the current custodians of this lovely old building and look forward to welcoming you to L’Ancienne Cave to share a glass of the quality wine now produced in this region.

L’Ancienne Cave

  The home of Vin en Vacances is an old winery that was abandoned many decades ago until we rescued it in 2017. It was slowly crumbling but still stood proud amidst the decay and over the past few years […]

Slowly but Surely

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And so the wheels go round..!

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Beam Me UP..!

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Slow Progress…

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Carts & Carriages

Buying this old building has been a little like stepping into a time capsule. We believe the old winery was abandoned over 60 years ago, probably due to a devastating flood. There is evidence that belongings of value were hoisted […]

Block & Beam

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Its coming on..!

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Our fabulous Workaways

Work on the Old Winery began in earnest Last week when we were joined by Hannah & Lucas from Colorado and Wendy’s son Tom. We found Hannah & Lucas through a great website for people who want to travel […]

House for Sale in Languedoc

Update on The Old Winery – Over the last couple of months we have spent our time clearing out The Old Winery which has taken a lot of work. It was full to the brim with junk, piles of rotting vegetation, […]

L’Ancienne Cave – A New Vin en Vacances Project

2017 was a wonderful year for Fisher and me. We met in January and very soon knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and so Fisher came to live with me in France. The village where […]