The home of Vin en Vacances is an old winery that was abandoned many decades ago until we rescued it in 2017. It was slowly crumbling but still stood proud amidst the decay and over the past few years we
Over the past few months we suffered some setbacks which slowed the progress of our project down considerably but a few weeks ago it began to move more quickly again and now we are seeing some real progress. Overseeing all
The sun has shone almost every day since the beginning of June and temperatures have been high and difficult to work in but the pace has been steady and we are starting to see big differences in our project. Fisher has
Over the last couple of months there's been a great deal of progress and soon we will be able to reveal the upstairs of the Old Winery as all the rooms are now laid out. The first fix electrics have
Its been a busy couple of months and thanks to the glorious weather the builders were able to crack on and finished the roof a couple of weeks go. You can just see the new pan tiles on the above photograph taken looking down the river Clamoux from the far bridge.
We had hoped the roof would be finished by now but due to the flooding the Languedoc suffered last October most of the builders in the area were helping people fix up their damaged properties so we were happy to
Its been a while since we updated our blog on the progress of the Old Winery renovation and that's because progress has been slow. But last week the old roof was taken off and that's given a big boost to the project.
Buying this old building has been a little like stepping into a time capsule. We believe the old winery was abandoned over 60 years ago, probably due to a devastating flood. There is evidence that belongings of value were hoisted up to the top floor to get them out of the water and it looks like the flood was so damaging that no-one returned to try to fix the place up after the water had subsided. One of those things was this fabulous old carriage which is still hanging from the rafters minus its wheels.
Its been an action packed couple of months since we last posted progress at The Old Winery as in goes the concrete block and beam ceiling. This will help to pull the old building together and give us a wonderful basis for the underfloor heating in the bedrooms and bathrooms. Seeing the old beams removed and the concrete ones going back in has been quite exciting.
Progress throughout this month has been in leaps and bounds with Tom and Fisher working hard every day with John our Builder who we have re-named 'The Machine'. He has such strength and stamina, he never seems to get tired!